The Colleen C. Barrett Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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april feature article

Leading Well: Connecting with People

From the times I engaged with Herb Kelleher (Founder of Southwest Airlines) and Colleen Barrett (CCB Institute namesake!) early in my career, I learned from them the true value of giving your People your time and attention and seeing them for who they are instead of just the positions they fill. To me, that means you have to remember your Teams are made up of unique individuals and never forget the “Golden Rule” when you have the opportunity to connect with someone. It’s important to not only treat others as you would like to be treated but also work to know them well enough to understand what resonates with them personally.

One Leader who made a profound impact on me when I was working on the ramp was Dave Kissman, who led our Detroit Station at the time. He connected with me when my mother passed away not long after I started. It was a challenging time, as I was also getting ready to be transferred to Columbus. By showing his concern for my wellbeing and going out of his way to check in on me, he demonstrated that he and the Company genuinely cared about me as a person and a Coheart in need. When any Employee—especially a New Hire—has a major life event, it’s so important for them to know their Leaders are there to support them and address any concerns about what’s going to happen to them.

Something else I learned from Colleen and other Leaders throughout my career is that tough topics can—and should—still be discussed with kindness. No matter what conversation you are having with an Employee, even if it involves a disagreement or discipline, you must uphold their self-esteem. You can deliver a message firmly yet also in a way that the Employee walks away from the discussion embracing it as a learning experience and opportunity for growth. This takes patience and intentionality on the part of the Leader, and it is crucial for strengthening trust and confidence.

At the end of the day, getting to know your Cohearts personally and engaging with them like they are a member of your family helps create a sense of belonging which, in turn, encourages them to treat others with LUV and perform better. I know from my time working in many of our stations and at headquarters that Leaders who mentor Employees and show they are invested in their wellbeing likewise help those Employees feel like they are investing in more than just a job. They are building a Southwest career!

Picture of Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson

Vice President Ground Operations

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Do you have questions for our Southwest Leaders about what it means to Lead Well? For a limited time, you will have the opportunity to submit your questions for a Southwest Thought Leader to answer in our next Virtual Fireside Chat.

Submit your questions in the box below, and be sure to keep an eye out for an email announcing the opening of registration for the Virtual Fireside Chat!

nov22 newsletter
Mike Sims

Learning Well: Effectively Growing Diverse Teams

In today’s workplace, effectively growing and managing diverse Teams is paramount to success. Southwest Airlines President Emeritus, the late Colleen Barrett, mastered this principle, and I am blessed to be able to apply her lessons firsthand from seeing years of her “walking the talk.”

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Adam Carlisle

Leading Well: Navigating One on One Conversations

At Southwest Airlines, we pride ourselves in putting our People first—whether that’s your Fellow Employee (Coheart) sitting next to you in a meeting or the Customer you’re helping board one of our planes. In my more than 16 years working at Southwest, I’ve had many opportunities to see that People-first mentality modeled by Leaders (first established by our beloved President Emeritus, the late Colleen Barrett).

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Colleen Barrett

Special Edition: Colleen on Sustaining Strong Performance

Have you ever wondered why Southwest Airlines receives such an incredible amount of media coverage? Obviously, we have a wonderful Public Relations Department making sure our accomplishments and activities don’t go unnoticed, but the mere fact that we are a “successful airline” – two words most people think don’t go together – makes us newsworthy. It also leaves us- and everything we do open to scrutiny.

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