People Performance Planet
“Darlene is always going above and beyond to help her Cohearts. Most recently, she took it upon herself to clean up the pedestrian pathway that leads from our Employee parking lot to our airport/airfield access point at work. This common access walkway has only been in use for a couple of months, and the airport has not assigned anyone to clean it. With the ongoing construction of an expanded taxi-way, Darlene cleaned up trash from the construction workers, metal objects, food wrappers, and other types of debris, altogether filling and removing two 40 gallon size trash bags! This is debris that could have blown onto the taxi-ways or caused an Employee injury if stepped on during dusk to dawn hours. She completed this during her down time, amidst other duties, while assigned to work in the warehouse. She also put two trash bags in the area for everyone to use, which she removes and replaces as needed. Darlene is always thinking of others, caring for their needs, and she is committed to Safety and to the environment. She is truly amazing!”