Happy Birthday to Colleen C. Barrett, founder of the Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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Happy Birthday to Colleen C. Barrett, founder of the Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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The Colleen C. Barrett Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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Family Shows Up

“When I took the Customer Service Supervisor position in Atlanta, I did so knowing my children and I had no family in the state of Georgia. As I began to serve with my new peers, I found an extended Family who truly made me feel cared for. On February 22, shortly after leaving work, I was involved in a “hit and run.” While I was in the car waiting for the ambulance and Emergency Responders, Kenneth happened to text me. I responded with, “Guys, someone just hit me – my car is totaled, and I cannot get out of it.” Before I took another breath, Natanya called and conferenced Kenneth. Minutes later, while sitting in the ambulance, I heard Kenneth’s voice! He had found me on the side of the road. He took pictures of my car, waited until the officer completed his investigation, drove behind the ambulance, stayed with me at the emergency room, and drove me home to my children. I was elated to be alive, and I was so thankful for my Coworkers. This LUV report cannot begin to express my GRATITUDE for the love and support Kenneth and Natanya showed me.”

Nichola R.


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