Fairy Godmother Stuff
“I would like to highlight Mary (or Honey as I call her). Not long ago, a little girl arrived in ALB from MCO and was missing her bag. This wasn’t just any piece of regular luggage—it contained all of her precious Disney souvenirs! Honey shared with me how her heart melted for the little girl, because she had waited all vacation to be able to enjoy her souvenirs and was visibly upset they weren’t coming home with her. After Addison left so disappointed, Honey sprang into action to find a way to make her feel better. She was able to find some fun SWA “swag” in the station (sunglasses, socks, a SWA teddy bear, and a SWA Tervis cup), and she FedEx’d a special care package to Addison! Even better, Addison’s bag arrived the next day and was delivered, as well! Stories like this make me proud to work for SWA and alongside Honey. This form of Hospitality sets us apart and “WNs” Customers for life!”