Happy Birthday to Colleen C. Barrett, founder of the Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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Happy Birthday to Colleen C. Barrett, founder of the Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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The Colleen C. Barrett Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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Burritos Make Everything Better

“Brett, our Captain on Dec. 5th, had gone home overnight and walked onto the plane this morning with a huge shopping bag. He and his wife had made breakfast burritos with sides of salsa and fresh cilantro along with mixed fruit bowls freshly cut in reusable containers. What Brett doesn’t know is that my dad had a stroke a few weeks ago. I am spending all my days off and overnights struggling to fill out paperwork, make appropriate calls, and get my dad into a supervised home. I was up most of the night, and I failed to pack a good food bag. I never dreamed I would have enough food to last me the whole day, something homemade with love. I know Brett doesn’t know what’s going on in my life but what he and his wife did made a huge difference. I needed this show of support and love that came out of his clear compassion and love for his Crew and job. There’s a pandemic going on, my dad is sitting in a hospital where I can’t even visit him, and Brett walks in with breakfast and says, sit down, eat and happy holidays. Thank you Brett, and please thank your sweet wife. You are both amazing.”

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