Happy Birthday to Colleen C. Barrett, founder of the Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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Happy Birthday to Colleen C. Barrett, founder of the Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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The Colleen C. Barrett Institute for Cultural Excellence & Customer Service

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LUV Mail

Colleen’s passion for Customer Service lives on, as evidenced by LUV Mail. Each month, Southwest® gets hundreds of letters, emails, and phone calls from Customers, as well as Employees, sharing stories about our Southwest Warriors providing Legendary Customer Service and caring for others. LUV Mail highlights these extraordinary moments. Read on for some of our favorites!

We Are All Family

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Demonstrating LUV

I just worked a trip with Elena, and I noticed that she gives outstanding service and demonstrates kindness to everyone on each flight. But what really caught my attention was the way she had compassion for children. Whether it was an autistic child kicking the seat and making noise, or a terrified child trembling quietly next to her mother in fear, Elena reached out and turned their days around. Elena buys little plushies called Squishmallows. Whenever she sees a child in distress, she pulls one out of her bag and begins to comfort the child. The transformation was visible each time! The autistic child became calm; the other little child’s fear turned into a relaxed smile as she hugged her pink bunny rabbit. And the parents of the children in each case were equally lifted out of stress into a feeling of love. Elena inspired me to go buy my own Squishmallows! I think a $5 plush toy and love go a long way towards making the world a better place. I’m so proud to have Elena represent Southwest as she demonstrates love, awareness, and empathy.

Addison W.


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A Captain’s Care

I met Captain John Murphy when we got on the airplane in SAT. We flew to MDW, and then ALB. When we got to the hotel he said to the Crew, “we’ll meet down here at 5:00 to go to dinner.” I went to my room and took a nap. I had started having some high blood pressure, so I had been monitoring it. When I got up, I felt really strange, and when I took my blood pressure it was dangerously high. I found an emergency clinic close by. This was about 4:15-4:30. While I was at the clinic, I got a message from John saying that he was in the lobby of the clinic if I wanted company. He had gone to the front desk to find out where I had been taken. They couldn’t take care of me there, so they called an ambulance to take me to an emergency room. John asked permission to go with me. He was so incredible! Without being in the way, he not only stayed with me until midnight when I got the results of my MRI, but he also took detailed notes. I can’t tell you how frightening it is to be away from home and worried that something serious is going on! John took a lot of that anxiety away. I am so appreciative of him! I was kept overnight in the cardiac ICU. John reached out to me to check on me the next day to make sure I had everything I needed. I believe he was just being the amazing man that he is!

Janet S.


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One Team. All Heart.

Rick is the best Captain I’ve flown with. From the beginning of our trip, he was helping his Crew coordinate with Scheduling. Before each leg, he gave each Flight Attendant a ‘cheat sheet’ with all the important info about that leg. He greeted each Customer in the jet bridge and even got us food between flights. He also tactfully and professionally handled a sensitive issue with a Passenger. It was an absolute delight to work with Rick. Captain Rick goes above and beyond. His briefing was thorough, and he even presented us with his own custom-made briefing sheet with every piece of information needed and then some. He engaged with the Passengers, cleaned the cabin, and showed true POS (Personal Ownership Spirit). I look forward to flying with him again, but more importantly, I look forward to other members of the SWA Family recognizing how awesome he is to work with.

Sheila E., Morgan F., & Ken T.


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Hospitality Flex

A few months ago, my family flew to SEA with stops in SLC and SMF. When we landed in SLC there was turbulence, and our 11-year-old son was very upset. We began getting alerts on our phones about snow squalls in the area, which made our son even more upset. The Flight Attendant said my son could chat with the Pilot while we waited, but he was so upset he didn’t want to get out of his seat. He asked me if we could get off because he didn’t want to fly. After the passengers had boarded, the Pilot came back to our seats to talk to our son. He introduced himself and said, “I have an 11-year-old son, and I promised him I would get home.” He explained he was watching the weather closely, and they would de-ice the plane. He also said he wouldn’t fly if it wasn’t safe, even if it meant he brought the plane back to the terminal and made everyone mad. My son felt so much safer, and so did the passengers who heard the conversation. Not only did we make it safely to SEA, the take offs and landings were the smoothest of our trip. It was so amazing and thoughtful of him to take the time to reassure our son. While we hadn’t flown Southwest for over 15 years, we had such a great experience, we will definitely fly Southwest again.

Sarah W.


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Service with Heart

A year ago my father Robert passed away on a flight. The Crew did everything in their power to save him. One of the Flight Attendants, Krystal, sent us a lovely fruit basket after we got home. I reached out to Southwest at the time as it really touched our family. I am reaching out again as a new fruit basket was delivered. She said she has a special place in her Heart for our family. Well, her Heart is special to us! I can’t put into words how thoughtful and kind she is. If everyone in the world was like Krystal, it would be a far better place. You are so lucky to have her as part of the Southwest Team.

Dennis M.


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A Southwest Family Legacy

“My mother, Melissa was an Employee at HRC from ’96-’16 before she passed away tragically. Because she was an Employee in ’96, her name is inscribed on the Triple Crown plane bins. This is where the story gets good…My name is Chloe H., and I have been a SWA Employee since September 2019. Coming to work for the airline made me feel like part of the family since I grew up a SWA Dependent, and, with my mom being gone, I felt like she was living on through me with SWA. I had the chance to fly on the Triple Crown in January of 2020 as a surprise. I have a brother who is in the Navy, stationed out of San Diego, who has a brand new three-month-old daughter. This morning, I got a call that he got the surprise of a lifetime when his plane from SAN to LAS was the Triple Crown! Not only did my brother get to fly “with” my mom, he was also able to have his daughter fly her very first SWA flight “with” her grandma. They are traveling to Houston to celebrate birthdays and to celebrate her life. What a special family legacy we all got to experience because of this SWA Family!”

Chloe H.


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Miss Martha

“We had an 87-year old Passenger (Miss Martha) who needed intimate assistance in the front lav. I called Andi and asked her to stand in the front galley to block any view into the front lav. She immediately volunteered to take over and help Miss Martha. She said she did things like this while taking care of her mom. Of course, we all know taking care of your mom and taking care of a stranger are two very different things. And showed so much compassion toward this Passenger, helping her while maintaining her dignity. After we arrived in BWI, And went to buy pants for Miss Martha to wear, then pushed her in a wheelchair to the bathroom, then to her connecting gate. Andi did this so she could explain what had happened to the Operations Agent and ensure that the next Crew could watch out for this special Customer. Andi, you are the Spirit of SWA! You demonstrated Teamwork by jumping right in without hesitation to help me, and you demonstrated a Servant’s Heart by all that you did to take care of Miss Martha. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You are a delight to work with, and I hope that we can do it again soon!”

Michele M.


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Feeling Cared For When I’m Away

“After flying Southwest for many years I wanted to share my thoughts about the service I’ve received. I’ve always said you can’t buy or sell culture. A company either has it or doesn’t. Culture is a way of thinking that employees internalize, and it becomes a part of who they are. Southwest has done that better than any other airline. The consistency with Southwest is unmatched. I understand that other airlines may provide a seat number, a TV, or other conveniences that are perceived to be great. For me, it was always about feeling cared for when I’m away from my family. A smile and being treated with respect and dignity completely overshadowed things offered by other airlines. I don’t think I ever had a bad experience with Southwest-from People on the phone, at the gate, and on the plane. That doesn’t mean there haven’t been travel issues. But the empathy from Employees made me trust that all would work out. In a world where businesses are begging for good reviews, when I ask for an Employee’s name to leave a great review, the response is “That’s so kind of you, but I’m just doing my job.” It was me doing the begging! Like I said, a company has a culture of great customer service or they don’t. Southwest has it consistently day in day out!”

Howard G.


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Voice Mails from Pop

“On day three of our trip, we were at the airport preparing for work when I realized, for the first time in three years of flying, I did not have my phone. Calls ensued, and it was found on the shuttle. First Officer Jean, who I met that morning in the hotel lobby, set out to retrieve it from the shuttle driver, only to discover the driver left. I’lI spare the details, but it was a bit of a fiasco-one I created all by myself. I’ve never done anything like that and was mortified and apologetic. But mostly, I was terrified. There were valuable pictures on that phone and voice mails saved from my Pop, who passed away last year on Father’s Day. Messages I have listened to multiple times to hear his voice, plus pictures and videos of my goddaughter, who I lost in a tragic car accident six weeks after Pop. The phone was replaceable, but the physical memories it contained were not.”

Laurie B.


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An Old Book and Apron

“This past Sunday I had an overnight stay for the first time in Boise (my new favorite city). I was working as an originator Monday morning when one of the other Flight Attendants turned in my apron and book thinking it was from the Crew the night before. I called upon landing to notify BOI that those were my items. Upon first glance, it looks like an old book and an apron – not much value. On that Sunday morning, I had thrown the book in my bag to read on the longer legs of the three-day trip. When I first opened the book, my aunt’s name was written inside. Her book had somehow gotten to my house. On the first day of the trip, I had a plane change and was walking to my new gate when my phone rang. It was my cousin. My aunt had passed away that morning. I was so happy to have her book because it felt like a sign from her or something. So when I lost it the next day, I was really upset. Receiving the book and apron in the mail today made me so happy! I just wanted to thank you and your staff for going the extra mile for something that doesn’t seem important, but it is. Thank you so much for returning my book-oh yeah, and my apron!”

Karen G.


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Extended Family

“On February 21, 1975, I was working in Fort Worth, and my pregnant wife was in the Rio Grande Valley. She called me at 6:00nam and told me she was delivering today. Southwest had started flying to the Valley maybe a month earlier. I was able to get on a Southwest flight in Dallas around 11:00 am to Harlingen, and my father-in-law met me at the airport. Thanks to Southwest, I made it in time to see our first child born in McAllen on that date. It is part of our family story to this day. Thank you Southwest. We live in McAllen and still prefer to drive to Harlingen to take Southwest. Your LUV symbol has always been a part of our family. Thank you!”

David M.


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Handmade with Love

“Andrew is a brand new Ops Agent with SWA. I had the good fortune of facilitating his New Hire class. The entire class was pretty spectacular, but Andrew did a little extra something to stand out. On my last day, the entire class presented me with a gift-a SWA Heart handmade by Andrew from a 200 year-old piece of Cherry wood and epoxy resin. It’s absolutely beautiful. Andrew spent time after class studying his city codes and making this SWA Heart for me. He had the class sign the back and present it to me on their last day of class. This gesture and the time he put into making it reminds me of who we are as a Company.

This class was amazing. One made cookies; another brought candy; they stayed together on breaks and lunches; helped during assessments; practiced quizzes. I’ve had New Hire classes form bonds, two people here and there, but the entire class all stuck together. It was spectacular to see. We may be short staffed, but we still don’t cut corners when it comes to hiring. We make sure we get the right People. Andrew is a testament to that. I’m excited to see him bring that same joy to our Customers.”

Kara K.


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It’s a Boy

“Not long ago, my husband and I were flying from Baltimore to Orlando. I was 3 months pregnant and knew my husband was hoping for his first boy, after 3 girls. I wanted to surprise him, so I boarded early and asked the Flight Attendant, Amy, to give him whatever beverage he ordered in a glass that read “It’s a boy” (which I had brought onboard, along with a bag full of blue snacks and candies). Amy asked if we could do more than that, and I readily agreed. She wrote an entire poem about having a boy and called my husband up midflight. She read the poem and gave him the treats. At the end, the entire plane yelled “it’s a boy.” My husband was so surprised and happy. Amy went above and beyond. Her kindness, energy and enthusiasm made it a wonderful experience and left us feeling like we were flying and celebrating with family. Amy is amazing, and Southwest is lucky to have such a kind, fun Flight Attendant. Please let her know how wonderful she is and how grateful we are for her.”

Mary D.


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Angels Among Us

“I arrived for my 6:30am flight at the Austin airport at 5:30am. Upon getting dropped off, I discovered I left my cell phone in my son Ben’s cup holder. I was at the airport with no cell phone. I went on my laptop and retrieved my son’s cell phone number- but now I needed a phone. I saw a Flight Attendant from Southwest Airlines (and learned her name was Sharon). I talked to her about using her phone, and Sharon called my son Ben. But it didn’t stop there. She made arrangements to meet my son at the drop off location. I went in line, got my boarding pass, and checked my luggage. When I was done, there was my son Ben with Sharon! I got my phone, and I thanked Sharon for going above and beyond her job. And here’s the thing: My flight was on American Airlines. That did not matter to Sharon. She was an angel. Thank you Sharon and Southwest Airlines for having People like Sharon who are angels in time of need.

She made my morning!”

Ronald G.


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The First & Last Vacation

“My sister and I, along with 10 family members, traveled from Colorado to California for our first family cruise. My sister’s son, five-year-old Mateo, was extremely medically fragile and traveled with several pieces of medical equipment. Because of delays at TSA, we arrived at our gate just 20 minutes before the scheduled departure time (which meant running through the airport with wheelchairs and g-tube feeds). We had four family members at the gate, the other seven moving urgently to the gate—including one with low vision and a walking stick, another in a wheelchair, and Mateo’s equipment. As we anxiously neared the gate, the Captain was standing there with a smile, encouraging us to take deep breaths. Light-heartedly he said, “they can’t leave without me, and I’m not leaving without you!” This was after he had assisted our aunt to her seat. Before retiring, my father was the director of operations for another airline. As seasoned and experienced international travelers, it is noteworthy when true acts of kindness are extended. Mateo passed away four months after his fifth birthday. Your Southwest Team allowed our family to experience a remarkable first and last vacation together.”

Tohbias J.


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Remembering Mister

“Lina, I was floored by your recent act of kindness for our Customer Kiley. She contacted Customer Relations, and you learned that not only had she had a disappointing Customer Service experience, she was traveling to be with her family to put her childhood dog to sleep. You delivered Legendary Customer Service, making Kiley feel better. You also connected with Kiley, as you had the same experience with your childhood dog a few years ago. Since Kiley already had some documents to send, you asked if she felt comfortable sharing a picture of Mister, her dog. You had a secret mission in mind-to have a painting of Mister commissioned for Kiley. In sharing your plan with our Team, naturally, I was happy to donate. Our job in Customer Relations can be challenging sometimes, but the opportunity to connect with Customers on an individual level is what really makes people choose Southwest time and time again. In a time where airlines have to do whatever possible to remain afloat and keep Customers coming back, these connections make a huge difference. You are the best of the best.”

Keagan H.


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Happy Mother’s Day!

“During the pandemic, our Team was one of the few that remained “in person” in the office, so we regularly saw a lot of the awesome folks who care for our facilities. A few weeks back, Sonay was chatting with our LEAD Operations and Wings Cleaning Tech, Lupe V. Lupe is mom to 2 girls and happened to mention how much she missed her own mom in El Salvador. Immediately, Sonay began thinking of how to help Lupe see her Mom. Sonay wanted to do something fast and make it happen, so she purchased a roundtrip ticket to El Salvador out of her own pocket so that Lupe could surprise HER mom for Mother’s Day!! WOW! Sonay is one of the most compassionate, talented and generous women I know. As word got around the office, other Cohearts wanted to pitch in too to support Lupe, all because of the spark of KINDNESS that started from Sonay’s actions. I hope this made your day as much as it made mine!!”

Christina H.


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Family Shows Up

“When I took the Customer Service Supervisor position in Atlanta, I did so knowing my children and I had no family in the state of Georgia. As I began to serve with my new peers, I found an extended Family who truly made me feel cared for. On February 22, shortly after leaving work, I was involved in a “hit and run.” While I was in the car waiting for the ambulance and Emergency Responders, Kenneth happened to text me. I responded with, “Guys, someone just hit me – my car is totaled, and I cannot get out of it.” Before I took another breath, Natanya called and conferenced Kenneth. Minutes later, while sitting in the ambulance, I heard Kenneth’s voice! He had found me on the side of the road. He took pictures of my car, waited until the officer completed his investigation, drove behind the ambulance, stayed with me at the emergency room, and drove me home to my children. I was elated to be alive, and I was so thankful for my Coworkers. This LUV report cannot begin to express my GRATITUDE for the love and support Kenneth and Natanya showed me.”

Nichola R.


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Celebration of Life

“Honolulu owes a huge Mahalo to our Cohearts for organizing an event to honor the passing of the wife of one of our Ramp Agents. Larry experienced the loss of his mother and now, his wife. Southwest Cohearts, Cindy K., Sharon G., and Tracey C. organized a lovely send off–an Island experience to be treasured. Larry’s wife’s coffin was laden with leis and flowers, and the family was honored with Island music as she was placed on an OAK flight for final resting in LAS. The Station was there to say goodbye and support Larry. Because of the LUVing care of these ladies, we were able to lift Larry and the family up with hula dancing, gifts, and food. HNL was “one family” in support of a Coworker during this time in song and prayer. She was greeted on arrival in LAS with white roses. THIS IS SOUTHWEST! Thank you, Cindy, Sharon, and Tracey for your LUV and compassion, for one of ours!”

Judy B.


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LUVing One of Our Own

“As I finished a leg into DEN, my husband called to tell me my father had passed away unexpectedly. Being in the middle of my trip—and a BWI FA—I knew I needed help. While in shock from the news, I kept telling my husband, “I just have to get to the lounge, and I will be taken care of.” I am so thankful to work for a Company that promises that. Janet met me at the door so compassionately (and somehow understood what I was trying to say between sobs). Katie and Sydni stopped what they were doing and took care of me, looking for ways to get me home. They allowed me to use a huddle room to make phone calls and to cry, and Janet was able to arrange confirmed travel to BWI and then to ORF.

The compassion and kindness they showed me during this shocking time will never be forgotten. Katie gave me a hug when I left, and I thought, “I am so thankful for this Company that, no matter who you meet, they are your Family and will take care of you even on your darkest days.” Many thanks to Katie, Sydni, and Janet for being a part of my SWA Family.”

Elizabeth H.


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Customers Are Family Too

“Yesterday, when we arrived at the check-in counter at Southwest Airlines in Corpus Christi, TX, (CRP) they asked us if we were on vacation, and I told them that we had been, unfortunately, traveling for a funeral. An hour later, while we were sitting at the gate waiting for our flight home, an announcement came over the loudspeaker asking for us to come to the counter. Assuming there was a problem, I went up and the attendant handed me a card and expressed her sympathy for our loss.

How thoughtful and caring is that? It was a simple, lovely gesture that touched our hearts. This is just another reason I will continue to fly Southwest Airlines. When we needed to fly out quickly to get to Texas before my father-in-law passed away last week, I did not even consider “shopping around” for cheaper tickets. I knew SWA would get us there efficiently and with no fuss at all. I was right! The peace of mind that comes with flying with you is worth every penny!”

Bretta O.


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Team Amy

“Several months ago a friend reached out to see if I could help him find flights and get wheelchair assistance for a friend of his (Amy) who, in the midst of the COVID pandemic, was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. After surgery at MD Anderson in Houston, Amy was nervously planning her trip home. I reached out for help and received WAY more. Amy was greeted with encouraging homemade signs, comfort support dogs, and was personally escorted to her aircraft upon arriving in HOU. The Crew was ready when she got on with a blocked off a row in the front, and the Captain presented Amy with a special certificate. In DEN, she was greeted with not just a wheelchair, but more homemade signs welcoming her back home! Basically, Amy was surrounded with LUV her entire journey.

Nicole, Jason, Peter, and Mark put their entire Hearts into ensuring that Amy’s travel was not only stress-free but truly special. They named themselves “Team Amy” and they demonstrated not just compassion but extreme competence as they planned, coordinated, pivoted, and supported Amy. They made me really proud to be part of the Southwest Family and to have the honor of calling them Cohearts. So, from the bottom of my Heart: THANK YOU TEAM AMY!!!”

Julia L.


Whatever It Takes

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A Captain’s Care

I was on my way to Texas from Denver. Many areas in Texas were experiencing storms. No one could have predicted the many obstacles we faced on our way. From diverting to an alternate airport to fuel up, to carefully landing and finding ways for Passengers to deplane, Captain Lauret did an outstanding job keeping a positive attitude through it all. He led with love and strength, keeping Passengers and Crew safe and well-informed. His Southwest Spirit beamed as he made his way through the aisle answering Passengers’ questions with sincerity. Despite the uncertainty, I knew we were in the best hands. Captain Lauret even got food delivered for all 180 Passengers! His positive, Fun-LUVing Attitude in the face of adversity was remarkable. I will never forget him.

Samantha S.


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Forever Grateful

Chris and Erin came to our aid when my husband, Russ’s, personal oxygen concentrator malfunctioned. Erin set up an O2 mask with a canister of O2. Chris made sure he maintained consciousness. When we got off the plane, we immediately got to a hospital where we found out he was experiencing CO2 poisoning! He was in the hospital for four days where he was intubated for a short time to rid his body of the poison. Chris and Erin were true lifesavers that day, and I hope you will extend our gratitude to them for their calm response and knowledge. Russ is back at home and doing well.

Hilary K.


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A True Lifesaver

“I was returning from Lubbock with my son, who had spent the summer with my parents. Traveling alone with a toddler–especially a sleepy one–is a lot. When we arrived in Houston, I realized that I had forgotten his stroller. I had to carry our luggage, and a car seat, in addition to my sleepy son. Everyone passed me by, but Jared would not allow me to walk by without assisting me. It was such a huge and heartwarming gesture, I’m actually a bit teary-eyed typing this. Jared made a connection with me and shared how he’s been in my shoes. He walked me all the way down to ground level where we were going to be picked up. In that moment he was a true lifesaver, and I was so thankful.”

Ronnie A.


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A Cut Above the Competition

“I had boarded my flight home and was disappointed to realize I’d left a portable battery charger behind at the gate. Replaceable, yes, but a hassle to reacquire the right cords and setup I had perfected. I spoke to a Flight Attendant named Paige, who heard my concern but was quite busy helping folks board and stow their luggage. It was difficult to describe what I’d lost and where, so I chalked it up to a loss and took my seat so as not to hold up the line. Fast forward to mid-flight, when Paige appeared out of nowhere, holding my battery charger. She’d conjured it up somehow, maybe teleported it onto the plane?! Whatever means she employed to locate my item and get it back to me within the hour was above-and-beyond service. She had the additional work of tracking me down, too, since I was wearing a mask. I was honestly stunned with gratitude and appreciation that your Employee displayed that kind of reliability. One more reason I consider Southwest a cut above the competition in so many areas Customer experience, in particular. Sincere thanks to Paige, and thank you, Southwest!”

John T.


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Bachelorette Party at 30,000 ft

“I recently had an amazing experience on a Southwest flight for my bachelorette party two weeks ago. Two bridesmaids and I were headed to my bachelorette party in Scottsdale. Our flight attendants were Sierra and Jordie. As soon as they noticed my sash that said “bride”, they gave us VIP treatment the entire flight. This included a glass of sparkling wine, a crown and veil made of snack packets, drink skewers, and toilet paper, and a makeshift bouquet from a roll of TP. They were local to the Phoenix area and gave us tons of recommendations on places to go. Finally, they made me walk down the aisle while announcing to the whole plane that I was getting married. Both of them are engaged and were excited to hear the details of the wedding and bachelorette party. These two women are truly the definition of the amazing service with a smile I have always gotten on this airline. They deserve a HUGE kudos for helping start my bachelorette weekend on the right foot.”

Lauren I.


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An Extra Pair of Wings

“Susan is unbelievable! I pre-boarded a flight from ABQ to PHX due to a knee injury. I asked Susan if she could direct me to a seat that would allow me to extend my right knee during flight. She was so professional and friendly; she seated me in the front row and allowed my husband to sit with me. We were so grateful for her suggestion. Two minutes later, she arrived at my seat with a bag of ice for my knee. I was shocked. That ice was so helpful! I have to admit I get a little misty just thinking about her kindness. She managed to greet every Passenger, answer questions, and still found time to anticipate the needs of a Passenger with messed up knees! And that’s not all–when it was time to deplane, she handed me a new bag of ice to use during my layover! Good grief, SWA has an extra pair of wings-angel wings-when Susan is onboard! Please let her know that we send our thanks and appreciation for her kindness! She is a true mensch (good human)!”

Deborah S.


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Crowd Control

“I had the pleasure of working with Troy when he came to BLI to help open the Station. He went out of his way to help People, and it was not limited to Southwest Customers. We have a small ticket counter, and if he overheard a customer on another airline who had missed a flight or was otherwise disrupted, he would go out of his way to assist. This continues now that he is in DAL! I received a message recently when Troy reached out to BLI to see if we would go over to our neighbors at Alaska to see if they could contact Alaska reps in DAL. A large number of Alaska customers were in DAL, but there was not an agent to be found. I saw Troy’s message and texted my friend, who works for Alaska, to see if she could reach out to DAL. Turns out, the flight the customers were lining up for was four hours late and there would not be an agent to assist them for a couple hours. Again, Troy with his Servant’s Heart, passes on the info to the Alaska customers even though he was busy with his own work. Ironically, my Alaska friend texts me to let me know she has been speaking to a nice WN agent in DAL who is doing crowd control until an Alaska rep could arrive. Something tells me he won over some folks that day when they saw how helpful Troy was and that he was assisting out of the goodness of his Heart. Troy is such an asset to our Company. He continues to shine, and BLI continues to miss him even months after his departure.”

Kathryn A.


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Sprinting to Save the Day

“Curt, wow! What can I say? Thank you so much for going above and beyond to help our distressed passenger today. Panicked about leaving her laptop at TSA, you stepped up to help. Little did you know just how far away TSA was from our gate in ORD. Plus, once you got there, you were turned away because you didn’t know the password to open her laptop. So back to the gate you ran! You retrieved her password and ran back to TSA to open her laptop! You saved the day! Thank you for LUVing our Passenger today! P.S. Thank you for the Garrett’s popcorn! You’re the best!”

Jovce B.


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Dinner is Served

“Our 5:20 pm flight had just been delayed for the third time and would now depart at 7:30pm. So at 6pm, I went to purchase some dinner to eat before we boarded. Within 5 minutes, my husband called and told me to come immediately as boarding had begun (we had favorable A20 and A21 boarding positions, which I was not willing to lose!). I hightailed it to the boarding line without waiting for our pizza and suddenly realized, at the door of the plane, that I had left my credit card at the pizza place. I immediately told the Flight Attendant, and she had me tell the Captain my name and where I had left the card. I took my seat knowing that the card would most likely not be found. Within ten minutes, a Southwest Employee entered the plane with the pizza, our drinks, and my credit card. I am a frequent flier and know that Southwest has exceptional associates from top to bottom, but I was shocked and thrilled at such exceptional service. I was extremely grateful for their effort in going well above and beyond the call of duty!”

Renee A.


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Herb Was Smiling

“An elderly gentleman, 92 I believe, became physically ill at cruising altitude–all over himself, his seat, and the forward lavatory. He was not in distress, just queasy. While he was in the lav, Cinda procured her own pajamas from her bag and assisted him with changing his soiled pants. She did so with the gentleman in the lav, away from the Passengers’ view, all while keeping the mood humorous and light. Once he was reseated, she began cleaning up-on hands and knees, multiple pairs of gloves, towels, and spray, acting like she did this on every flight, no big deal. She not only helped our sick Customer but cleaned the lav so it remained usable. She also comforted the gentleman’s daughter, assuring her that he was okay. The entire Crew assisted and kept us informed in the cockpit, asking to arrange for blankets and cleanup in DAL. It was a beautiful example of good old Southwest Teamwork. The gentleman exited the aircraft without difficulty, and Cinda gave him a big old Texas hug. I don’t think Cinda will see those pajama pants again! This was even more special for me, as this was my next to last SWA flight prior to retiring. I saw what made me want to be a part of this airline 38 years ago, and I am confident that Herb was smiling as this Crew did their work!”

Rob H.


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Toilet Paper Cake is Always a Hit

“Joel, Lorrie, Charles, Nichole – Thank you so much for an awesome flight experience! After two years at home, our family of four finally decided to go on a vacation to San Diego for my daughter Izzie’s 6th birthday. She and her 4-year-old brother were so excited to finally fly on an airplane again and tell everyone it was her birthday. I asked the Crew if they could wish her a happy birthday, and she said, “We got you!” First, the Pilot announced Izzie and told everyone that she was a special guest who has a birthday coming up. Then the Flight Attendants asked the Passengers to turn on their call button lights and sing happy birthday. And they brought her the most awesome toilet paper cake with some small goodies for her and her brother. My daughter was so surprised and smiled so big. She said she loves Southwest, and everyone was so nice! Kudos to the Crew for making the trip special for our family!”

Darcia T.


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Paper Roses

“Recently, I brought my mother from Nashville to live with me in Omaha. She had severe Alzheimer’s and was 92. I prayed so many times just to let her make it on the flight. I was worried about her reaction to being in a different environment. I just didn’t want her to have a spell and have the Pilots have to re-route us to another airport. I’m proud to say the day went off without a hitch. ALL of your Employees were so kind and patient with her. During the flight one of your Flight Attendants (I’m so sorry I didn’t get his name) came to the front of the plane and handed my mother a bouquet of flowers he had made out of napkins. They were beautiful, and my mom loved them. Unfortunately, my mom passed away just a little over a month after that day, but I will never forget the kindness of your Employees. I have the roses in a beautiful vase in my kitchen so I can look at them every day and think of my sweet mom.”

Judy T.


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A Crafty Crew

“On our flight from SJC to KOA, the cabin Crew was absolutely fantastic. There were a large number of elementary-school aged children on the plane, mine included, so I was prepped for a raucous flight. No problem, we’d be landing soon enough in Hawaii. To my surprise, one of the Flight Attendants was able to find some coloring pages and coordinated the sharing of some colored pencils and crayons. And just like that, most of the kids were engaged in a 4-hour art contest! Every child’s art was attached to the overhead bin with a tiny bit of tape on display for the whole cabin to see. This kind of creativity was so appreciated by parents, Passengers and, most importantly, the kids. Not one child complained about their mask, and the adults got a nice enjoyable flight to the island paradise. Thanks Southwest. Y’all are cultivating a workplace and Customer Experience full of LUV!”

Chris, Virginia, and (seven-year-old) Ellie M.


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Needle in a Haystack

“I would like to tell you about an amazing Employee, Terry F. After visiting my friend in Colorado Springs, it was time to head back. When we left his house, I locked the door and put his keys in my jacket pocket. I knew it would be warm in Dallas, so when I got to the airport, I put my jacket in my bag and checked the bag. Just before boarding, my friend texted me, having realized that I had his keys. I ran to the counter, a nervous wreck, and explained the situation. Here comes Terry. After the first attempt, Terry was unable to find my bag, but he wasn’t giving up. He asked for a better description. By now, the plane was boarding, and I feared I would not get the keys and would miss my flight. Suddenly, Terry reappeared with my bag! I honestly think he took every bag off the plane looking for it. And it didn’t end there! I knew I couldn’t get the keys to my friend and still make the flight. Without hesitation, Terry asked for the keys and took them to my friend. I have never been so thankful for anything or anyone ever. Southwest always has great Customer Service, but at that moment to me, Terry was a hero!”

Kimberly B.


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Trusting Instincts

“One day while working in the office, Tina received a call from a Flight Attendant in need of help. She was scheduled to report for her next flight but was stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire. At some point during their conversation, a stranger pulled up to help the Flight Attendant, but Tina didn’t feel comfortable with what was happening. While remaining on the phone with the Flight Attendant, she called her own brother Aaron (who also happens to be a newly retired 28-year SWA Employee!) and asked him to drive to where the Flight Attendant was located. Tina remained on the phone until her brother arrived at the Flight Attendant’s location and was able to assist in getting her safely to work. Thank you Tina (and Aaron!) for trusting your gut and going the extra mile to care for our Flight Attendants every day.”

Jermaine K.


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Little Things Matter

“Yvonne really impressed me with her compassion and Teamwork today! While preparing for a Flight, we were made aware that a family with an autistic, special needs child would be traveling with us. Yvonne talked with the mother and discovered that she preferred to ride near the rear of the aircraft to be able to access the lavatory, and to control her son’s environment. Yvonne quickly adjusted the 3-zone weight and balance plan to accommodate the family and made sure that the ramp was notified of the changes. She pre-boarded the family and made sure they were comfortable. Her professionalism and competence made this a most enjoyable trip for the family, and for all of us working the aircraft. HEART STRONG!”

Thomas K.


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A Ride That Changed a Life

“It was a routine shuttle transfer in Phoenix from the airport to the Crew hotel, when DAL Flight Attendant Cheyenne C. struck up a conversation with the friendly driver, Ben. She came to learn that he was enduring the worst week of his life–his daughter, a mother to five children, had just passed away from COVID. Cheyenne immediately began working on a plan to ask the SWA workforce what we could do, just to give him a lift and let him know that we were thinking about him and that we cared. Her efforts ended up surprising everyone! Cheyenne was able to present Ben with $3,200 to help with the family’s expenses. Cheyenne spearheaded this beautiful response, and it would not have happened if she and her Texas-sized heart weren’t listening when she was. An act so simple came from a moment that many of us tend to overlook on our countless rides to and from our workday. What a blessing for all involved!”

Kurtis D. / Paul C. / Brad A.


Next Level Hospitality

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Just Like Magic

This was my second time working with flight attendant Christopher, and I truly believe he deserves a Spotlight if not more. Christopher started off his introductions to the Crew with formalities and a smile. Chris then asked me how many singles he had in his hands and, before I knew it, those single dollar bills had magically turned into 20s—just like magic! Chris is both a hard worker and a great Team player. Once the work was done, Chris put on his magic hat (figuratively speaking) and went up and down the aisle charming the Passengers with magic. Kids, teens, and adults all seemed so happy and entertained by Chris and his up-close magic—truly a skill and gift that comes with years of practice. We were all amazed and laughed, saying ‘you can’t get this kind of service on other airlines.’ Christopher is a perfect example of why Southwest is known for hospitality.

Gina V.


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Bingo’s Big Adventure

I recently flew for a work trip, and it was my first time away from my kids in three years. I brought along a small Bingo stuffy and sent home pictures of Bingo on her ‘big adventure’ with mom. The Crew wasn’t busy, so I asked if I could get a picture of Bingo in the cockpit. The Staff was wonderful, and I got great pictures with the Pilots. My husband and kids were really impressed! Thank you for the great experience.

Kim V.


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Birthday Queen

I had the most wonderful start to my 60th birthday vacation thanks to the Southwest Crew. I was heading to a girls’ weekend, and prior to departure, the Flight Attendants made an announcement and crowned me like the queen that I am, LOL! They also gave me a special card signed by the entire crew, including the pilots! I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to this wonderful crew. It is a beautiful memory that I will always cherish.

Rubiana G.


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The Spirit of Southwest

“I want to commend Southwest Employee Tarun P. for providing the most phenomenal service I’ve ever experienced. I was traveling with my 10-month old baby for the first time in his life (and first for me in over a year). A bit apprehensive, I went to check my stroller at the gate and Tarun met me with the friendliest spirit and explained the entire process. Since our flight was delayed, he gate-checked it only to our layover and said, “Let me know if you need anything!” When we learned we would not make it to OMA, Tarun again met my questions with eagerness to help. After arranging a flight the next day, Tarun asked for my luggage tags then my phone number. He said, “I have a 727 number as well. I’ll call when I get down there.” While entertaining my exhausted child, I received a FaceTime from Tarun in front of my bags saying, “Are these yours? Okay, I’lI meet you back up there.” He explained that my bags would be waiting for me in the Baggage Service Office. My experience was seamless. This man is the spirit of Southwest! I am a nurse, someone in the profession of helping others, and Tarun displayed more compassion and kindness than many of those in my own field! I am so grateful for this experience and thankful to call Southwest “my airline.”



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Queen of Sacramento

“Kimberly A. made our day and our Passenger’s too! This Passenger boarded in a wheelchair asking for a blanket or socks, because her feet were cold. I let her know that we did not have either. Kimberly then went out and bought socks from an airport store, kneeled down on the floor and put the sock on this Passenger’s feet. Talk about an angel and a person who wears her heart on her sleeve. Big shout out to Kimberly! You are the best of SWA Culture and kindness. Queen of Sacramento!”

Sara S.


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It Was a Gray Car

“A Customer came to the ticket counter with her belongings and her service animal. She explained that she had just flown in and was not able to walk long distances because of a disability. Her friend had left her car in the nearby airport Parking Lot, but they had not been able to communicate, so the Customer did not know where, exactly, the car was parked. Troy (who is temping in BLI right now) finished taking care of his Customer and, without hesitation, went outside looking for the car. He walked the entire parking lot looking for a car based on a description by the Customer. It was an older car that uses a traditional key, so there was no way to signal an alarm. And it was a grey car. Do you know how many grey cars are out there? Troy walked up and down, row by row, looking for that car. He finally found it parked near the airport exit. The Customer was so grateful that Troy took the time to look for her car so she was able to finally get home after a long journey. Thanks for always giving your best and going the extra mile for our internal and external Customers. Way to go Troy!!!”

Evelyn C.


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Angels Among Us

“I had to fly to Florida at short notice because my sister was sick with COVID. I had a 55-minute layover in Atlanta, which turned into a four-hour delay. My sister’s husband is 79 and had driven two and a half hours to pick me up in Jacksonville. But after waiting through three revised arrival times, he had to get back to my sister. I had $400 cash to work with, not knowing how long I had to stay. And now with no ride waiting for me, I felt like a kid. When we finally arrived, one of the Crew Members asked me what was wrong, and I explained. The next thing I know, a cab came over to load my bags. The Crew had chipped in and paid for a cab to take me two and half hours to my sister. I told them I would send them money when I got home. They said, “No, go be with your family.” The cab driver told me the cost was $245. I cried for a long time, thinking that people I did not know helped me in a very bad time. THEY WERE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE to help someone in need.”

Gary B.


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A Servant’s Heart

“Today, Oumou once again demonstrated her huge Servant’s Heart. When a Customer missed his flight to attend his brother’s funeral, he was distraught. Oumou attempted to get a buddy pass from a friend of hers to fly him on American, but she wasn’t able to. So, she did not hesitate to purchase a ticket for him on Delta Airlines. She not only purchased the ticket, she also made sure that he made it to the gate, and she even found out the funeral home information for him. This is not the first time Oumou showed how big of a Servant’s Heart she has! This Customer was extremely grateful and almost in tears due to the care that Oumou showed. I was in tears myself!”

Leticia A.


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A Life-Changing Flight

“I’m afraid to fly, but I ALWAYS fly Southwest; your Employees are happy, which helps me relax. Today was unlike any experience I have ever had. As I was walking to my gate, I heard a Pilot say, “that’s the MAX I’lI be flying.” I asked him if it’s OK to fly that plane, because I have a fear of flying. He introduced himself and began to talk to me about flying, and he said he would do his very best to keep the turbulence at bay. As I anxiously waited to board, Mark came out and showed me the flight path, explained the air pressure, wind knots, and things I didn’t understand. How kind and generous that he took the time to do that for me! We had a beautiful flight with minimal turbulence (I like to think he worked extra hard for me)! As I got off the plane, Mark was waiting to check on me and to apologize for the little bit of turbulence. I was at a loss for words, and I gave him a hug and said thank you. This was truly a life-changing flight for me, and I will think of Mark and his calming voice of reason every time I fly. Thank you, Southwest, and, thank you Mark… you are one in a million and I appreciate you more than words can express.”

Carrie A.


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A Breath of Fresh Air

“I was having trouble applying a Southwest LUV Voucher to a flight I was trying to book today for my brother. I called to see why it was not working and had the great pleasure of talking with Latonia. Not only did she determine what the problem was, which took quite a bit of sleuthing, but she reserved the flight, and wrote an extensive note, as fares at that price were almost gone, and she arranged for a new voucher to be sent to me so I could complete the reservation. Not only was she thorough and professional, she was so very friendly to boot! My brother was recently diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing chemo. My sister and I were trying to surprise him with a trip to visit family he hasn’t seen in a long time. While he is gone, we are going to do a surprise mini-renovation on his house. Being able to use the Southwest LUV Voucher funds, thanks to Latonia’s efforts, means just a little more money towards the renovation!

I’ve been a loyal Southwest Customer for decades, and it is Employees like Latonia who will keep me a loyal Customer. In an era when Customer Service is just about dead, she was a true breath of fresh air. She is a great asset to your Company!”

Latonia G.


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Cold Hands, Warm Hearts

“During a winter storm in Dallas, several of the Ops Agents were given hotel rooms to avoid long and potentially dangerous commutes. After learning that we were housed at the same hotel, Rodney volunteered to take myself and another Coheart to work so we would not have to navigate the icy roads. He also prepped his truck to be warm for us to travel and got us there early as well as staved two hours after his shift to ensure I did not have to get transportation back to the hotel alone. The next day he did it again but got me to work on time which was two hours before his own shift.

Once we were able to drive safely two days later, he de-iced our cars and warmed them up. He then gave us extra winter tools (windshield cover & scraper) from his stash for our own use. Even after it was safer for us to drive our own cars, he insisted on following us close by to ensure we got to our destinations safely.”

Teresa B.


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Have An Iced Tea…Enjoy Some Flowers

I am writing to tell you about one of your Employees who went way above and beyond with Customer Service. On a trip last week to Arizona from Nebraska (via Denver), my young mother arrived in Arizona and realized she had lost her driver’s license. We were able to have her passport mailed to Arizona so she could travel back to Nebraska. The day after she arrived home, there was a card in the mail with my mom’s driver’s license, a packet of flower seeds, a Starbucks gift card, and a very nice handwritten note: “I’m a Southwest Flight Attendant! I found your license on the floor in the Denver Airport. I thought I would send you a note with your license and wish you a Happy Spring. Have an iced tea, enjoy some flowers…”

WOW!!! THANK YOU Southwest Flight Attendant Ronnie P! You and Southwest Employees are the reason our family always flies Southwest!!”

Jeffrey R.


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Above-er And Beyond-er

“I know you go above and beyond daily for our Customers, Laura, but here lately, you’ve been going above-er and beyond-er. It’s one thing to help our Customers, it’s another to help folks flying another airline. The Passenger in this case was traveling with Frontier. She approached you asking if her flight from SMF to ONT had already left, which it had. When you noticed she was traveling on Frontier, you instructed her on contacting them. However, when you encountered her again shortly after that, you really took care of her. She had been rerouted through LAS with a 15-hour layover, not scheduled to arrive in ONT until the next day, on top of also being pregnant, traveling with her toddler, and having limited funds. She was so sad. In true Laura fashion, you bought her two confirmed tickets with your Rapid Rewards points for her and her son on the next Southwest flight to Ontario. You also found two seats together for her and her son. She was grateful, and so am I. That is why I sent this LUV Report, to thank you for always being you and going the extra mile for those of us who depend on you. Things happen for a reason -I recall you weren’t feeling good and almost didn’t come in that day, but you did and were that Passenger’s Guardian Angel!”

Fidencio G.


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Multi-Tasking Tech

“Chad, when it comes to tech support, you hit the ball out of the park every time you are called upon to assist with getting technology back up and working for the DEN station. An example of this reliability was the other day when you worked to troubleshoot all of the STKs at the DEN Ticket Counter. You were able to open multiple tickets for kiosks that were needing repair. Since that day, Field Techs have been working through those tickets to address issues that previously made the DEN lobby less efficient. Thus, we were able to provide a more positive Customer experience with Southwest Airlines. It is

fantastic to know that you will consistently go that extra mile when called on to check out any technology issue. What may seem to you like a small thing is hugely impactful for the Customers who use the technology that you so dutifully service. Thank you again for your reliability and Warrior Spirit. It is a benefit to the DEN Station, Southwest Airlines, and most importantly the Customers that we serve. Keep up the wonderful work! Cheers!”

Corey C.


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Lovely Linda

“Last Monday, I flew from BUF to MDW. I need wheelchair assistance, and an airport wheelchair pusher took me to the gate and left me there to get another Passenger. She said she would get me on her way back, but she whizzed right by me and left me there. It was a double gate area, and they were boarding on both sides. No one would have known the situation I was in. I asked two gentlemen to tell the Employees at the Customer Service desk about my situation, and then Linda appeared. She took me back to the desk, reported the problem to her supervisor, and tried to get another wheelchair pusher for me. No one ever came. When Linda’s shift was over, she said she would take me. She took me to the restroom and baggage claim, where my things had already been removed from the carousel. Linda knew exactly where to go to retrieve them, and then she insisted on taking me outside to wait for my ride with me. She would not leave until my son got there! Linda is exactly the reason I fly Southwest exclusively. Many of your Employees have the same helpful attitude. Please recognize lovely Linda for her exceptional service and caring.”

Cindy S.


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A Beary Special Memory

“When our baby daughter Charis passed away, my sister flew to Texas to be with us as we laid her to rest. Charis had Trisomy 18 and was never expected to live. We were blessed with 17 amazing months. My sister loved her deeply. While here, she bought a Build-A-Bear with my daughter’s sweet laugh recorded inside. “Charis Bear” would now be her travel companion. She hoped to get “first time flying” wings for Charis Bear on Southwest. The Employees went ABOVE AND BEYOND and completely blessed my sister’s socks off! They listened as she told them how special Charis was; graciously took pics; stamped her passport; gave her a flight certificate; and treated her like royalty. The Crew made an announcement about a special Passenger (Charis Bear) and asked everyone to make the heart shape with their hands, then took a photo of my sister holding Charis Bear with all the Passengers behind her. WHAT A SPECIAL MOMENT THIS WAS. My sister was in tears over the love of a plane full of people. Our family was so moved. The Southwest Employees will forever be in our hearts. I can’t wait to see where Charis Bear goes next!”

Candace C.


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People Performance Planet

“Darlene is always going above and beyond to help her Cohearts. Most recently, she took it upon herself to clean up the pedestrian pathway that leads from our Employee parking lot to our airport/airfield access point at work. This common access walkway has only been in use for a couple of months, and the airport has not assigned anyone to clean it. With the ongoing construction of an expanded taxi-way, Darlene cleaned up trash from the construction workers, metal objects, food wrappers, and other types of debris, altogether filling and removing two 40 gallon size trash bags! This is debris that could have blown onto the taxi-ways or caused an Employee injury if stepped on during dusk to dawn hours. She completed this during her down time, amidst other duties, while assigned to work in the warehouse. She also put two trash bags in the area for everyone to use, which she removes and replaces as needed. Darlene is always thinking of others, caring for their needs, and she is committed to Safety and to the environment. She is truly amazing!”

Shandra G.


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Fairy Godmother Stuff

“I would like to highlight Mary (or Honey as I call her). Not long ago, a little girl arrived in ALB from MCO and was missing her bag. This wasn’t just any piece of regular luggage—it contained all of her precious Disney souvenirs! Honey shared with me how her heart melted for the little girl, because she had waited all vacation to be able to enjoy her souvenirs and was visibly upset they weren’t coming home with her. After Addison left so disappointed, Honey sprang into action to find a way to make her feel better. She was able to find some fun SWA “swag” in the station (sunglasses, socks, a SWA teddy bear, and a SWA Tervis cup), and she FedEx’d a special care package to Addison! Even better, Addison’s bag arrived the next day and was delivered, as well! Stories like this make me proud to work for SWA and alongside Honey. This form of Hospitality sets us apart and “WNs” Customers for life!”

Jordan R.


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The Dog Whisperer

“Forrest “Woody” S. is a Southwest Animal Transport Team (SWATT) Flight Angel Superstar! He has been saving, caring for, and transporting animals since April 2017 with DART (Delta Animal Rescue Transport) and SWATT. With almost 100 transports under his belt, Forrest goes above and beyond on his own time and his own dime to serve these animals and organizations. Every rescue has a story and Forrest has many. While Flight Angels typically make day trips, Forrest has tackled multi-rescue transports, one of which included Benny—a stray Beagle mix found in a South Texas “dumping ground,” having been shot and left paralyzed. Over two days, Forrest traveled DAL/LGA/HOU/MDW/DAL, ultimately delivering Benny to Perfect Pooches Adoption Agency to receive much needed special care. Forrest never ceases to amaze us with his unwavering Acts of Kindness. We are thankful for Angels like Forrest who truly LUV these special animals!”

Elaine B.


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Baby on the Way!

“I made plans to travel to Los Angeles from Baltimore to await the birth of my first grandchild, which was happening the next day. When I checked in, I found my flight was canceled and all subsequent flights were full. After hearing my desperation, Frances came to see if she could assist. After unsuccessfully trying to find me a seat, she suggested I try other airlines, while assuring me she would continue looking. We exchanged cell phone numbers, and after an hour, I did find a seat on another carrier at roughly twice the price. As I was about to check in, Frances called! She had found a seat for me, saving tons of money. I canceled my reservation and rushed back to her counter. Frances patiently waited until my composure returned—thanks to her calming words and reassuring smile. I learned she had checked every two minutes until spotting a flight that would ensure my arrival before the birth of the baby. This she did during her break and while checking in other travelers. I asked Frances how I could thank her. She said, “Let me know you arrived safely and that the baby and your daughter are fine.” I later sent pictures of my beautiful grandson. Her professionalism, compassion and kindness impacted my entire family.”

Jane W.


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Sending LUV to the Classroom

“Hello! This is not relating to a flight but to your AMAZING Flight Attendants! I am a teacher in a small town in Ohio and shared a post on Facebook about collecting Valentines from across the country. Bethany W. saw the post and shared it with the other Southwest Employees. They have been nothing short of incredible. They not only sent Valentine cards but also packages. They brought so much joy to myself and my students, and I did not want it to go unnoticed! I have always loved Southwest, but this is above and beyond amazing! They are kind, selfless people, not only on the flights but out in the world as well. Because of their generosity, time and kindness, we are going to get Valentines from all 50 states and bring pure joy to a small-town school in Ohio! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”

Kyle B.


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The Game Must Go On

“My minor son recently flew solo back to boarding school in Minnesota. The flight was perfect, but when he arrived at baggage claim, he could not locate his hockey gear. He was fortunate to interact with Karen at the service desk who notified him his gear and stick were on the wrong plane headed to Chicago and would not arrive until 10:30 that evening. My son had a van waiting to transport him to school 45 minutes away. After explaining that he had no car, no family, and was unable to return or wait, it was suggested that FedEx could deliver on Monday. Except–my son had hockey games the next 2 days and could not play without his equipment. Upon hearing the situation, the Supervisor, Carriann, offered to bring his equipment from the airport, late that night, all the way to his school in Faribault, on her own time. I was blown away. We were extremely grateful that Karen and Carriann would go “above and beyond.” They were both amazing, as was Mary, who was extremely attentive and kept us informed during the shift change. Southwest truly has the best staff of all the airlines. This is why we choose them over others!”

Keith O.


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Book Club Snacks

“Hi. A million thanks to Martha G., who cared enough to FedEx several bags of pretzels for our December 16 book club meeting when we discussed Flygirl by R.D. Kardon. You’re the best, Martha, and the reason why Southwest continues to be such a great company. Like so many employees, you do the little things that keep bringing customers back. Thanks again, Happy Holidays and lots of joy in the new year!”

Martin K.


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Giving Back

“Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” In just over the two and a half years that I’ve known you, Erica, you have been a constant example of this type of person. This Christmas you went above and beyond with your willingness to give. I am so proud to hear what you did for Cynthia, one of our office cleaners. Cynthia, being one of the most selfless and loving people I know, had her stove at home, break. You helped organize a fundraiser and not only were you able to buy her a new stove, you also purchased her a brand new set of pots & pans.

WOW! Seeing how you all came together as a Team to brighten Cynthia’s Christmas has also shown how selfless you are! You have a true Warrior Spirit and I’m grateful to be able to work alongside you. Thank you for all your efforts. They never go unnoticed!”

Nina G.


Honoring Those Who Serve

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Military Moms

My son is in the military. He was flying Southwest, and I asked Toni if there was a military lounge at the airport where we could stay with our soldier until he had to get on his flight. She told us that, unfortunately, the USO lounge had closed because they couldn’t get volunteers to work it. She then told us to wait just a second. She talked to her Supervisor, then came back and told us we could go sit with him at the gate! She took our IDs and printed us passes to go through TSA. She was so very nice, and she went above and beyond to make us and our soldier feel more at ease as we could stay with him as long as possible until he had to board. I saw Toni again right after my son boarded, as tears were rolling down my face. She came up and hugged me. She talked with me and told me she is also a military mom, and she knew what I was going through. I honestly can’t thank Toni enough for her kindness. The world needs more people like Toni to spread kindness. I commend Southwest Airlines for having employees like her and for being so accommodating to our military. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Leah L.


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Thank You for Your Service

“This morning a disabled, homeless veteran approached our ticket counter. The elderly gentleman in an electric scooter was confused and had difficulty communicating with our Employees. He missed the flight he was booked on, and that’s when CSS Dhara and CSA JC jumped into action. Dhara was compassionate and reached out to several SWA Departments for direction on how to handle this Customer, who medically would not be able to travel without an assistant. JC is always going above and beyond to help our Service Members, but he did far more this time. He made sure the Customer had the necessary items to travel then volunteered to fly as a service companion for this Customer. JC helped the gentleman through security and bought him breakfast out of his own pocket. When boarding time came on the 3rd flight the Customer was rebooked on, Dhara was there, ready and willing to assist lift this immobile Customer onto the aircraft. JC flew with the gentleman to ABQ to ensure he was safe. These two truly demonstrated a Servant’s Heart and did so without suggestion and certainly not seeking recognition. I am so proud of these two Team SAN Cohearts.”

Shawn H.


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True Southwest LUV

I recently witnessed true Southwest LUV, coordinated by my Coheart Andrea M.! Retired Flight Attendant Carol S. had inquired about flying her husband’s cremated remains (retired Captain Jim S.) to Colorado Springs for his funeral at the Air Force Academy. It was beautiful to see our SWA Family take care of one of our own! Jim S. was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force and the sponsor of (now BWI Captain) Ed N. while he was a freshman at the Air Force Academy. Jim & Ed both eventually found their way to SWA. Carol hoped Ed could fly Jim to his final resting place. Bob, Dave, and SEA Station Manager Vincent made it happen!

Carol received support from all, including wheelchair assistance and an escort (along with Jim’s urn) to the flight. Her note to Andrea summed up the experience: “…my trip could not have gone any more wonderfully than it did — from Vincent to the exceptional Crew to Ed and the First Officer to the gentleman who took me to meet my ride in Colorado Springs! I am so thrilled to have Jim here! Everything Southwest did is immeasurable in goodness! My gratitude is overflowing! I love our Southwest Airlines Family! Gary should be very proud of his Company and what they did for James!”

Amy M.


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The Bond I Witnessed

“A very heartfelt thank you ~ We recently lost a family member who worked for Southwest Airlines in Arizona. I am in Law Enforcement and have seen the love, care and sense of family that is shown when we lose one of our own. I was very proud when I observed the same kind of love shown to Bobby. Southwest flew his remains to Dallas for free so that he could be laid to rest in his hometown. I received a video of the send-off when the casket was loaded into the plane and departed. I witnessed the love and care shown when the plane landed, and Bobby’s remains were unloaded. I also observed several Southwest Employees at the funeral here in Dallas. To see this kind of love shown to Bobby was breath-taking. This meant so much to the family, and it showed them why Bobby was so proud to be a part of the Southwest Team. I always knew of the bond that exists in law enforcement. military, and professional teams, but to see the same bond from an airline company, WOW. Y’all rock and please keep it up. I will forever be a Southwest Customer and will always brag about the bond I witnessed from your Employees. A sincere THANK YOU to Southwest and its Employees!”

Richard C.


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Supporting The USO

“Recently, I was traveling home due to an unfortunate family tragedy in which I lost my mom in a car accident. My travels happened to be over Veteran’s Day. I am currently a member of the Air Force and in the Utah Air National Guard. My wife and I had stopped at the USO Lounge in Chicago/Midway. One of your Pilots, David, had stopped by to hand out Starbucks gift cards to the people inside. This was so kind. I wanted to thank him for his gift and his thoughtfulness. On top of the gift card, he had written the note, “Thank you on behalf of our Family and Southwest Airlines. We are always praying for your family and your protection.” I can’t say enough about how much we appreciated David’s actions. Please let him know that we truly appreciate him and his family.”

Matt M.


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“We were headed to my father’s funeral in Arlington National Cemetery and were surprised to discover our arrival at Ronald Reagan Airport coincided with the flight on which his body was being transported. We asked for a Supervisor, hoping there might be some way we could witness the transfer of my father’s casket. Bryan came quickly and explained that something like that is planned in advance and coordinated with TSA. Then he said, “Standby.” Bryan made some calls, and to our surprise, was able to walk us down and watch as my father was transferred from the plane. He will never truly understand how much that meant to me, as his son, but also my wife and children. It was such an honor. Bryan was so respectful and accommodating, and I want to send a very big thank you and escalate my compliment as high as I possibly can.

He has shown us why we only fly Southwest Airlines, as well as use your credit card. He is the definition of Customer Service. Please thank him again, not only from myself, but my family.”

Nick B.


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Serving Those Who Serve

“I wanted to let Southwest know about an Employee who went above and beyond to help my family. Her name is Talour and she works out of Hilo. On Sunday I accidentally left my wallet on the plane when I landed in Honolulu, after having been to Hilo for a quick vacation with my wife. We are a military family, right in the middle of moving, and the loss of my identifying information created a real crisis for our already hectic move schedule. I absolutely needed my ID for a variety of appointments Monday afternoon.

Talour actually flew out here and brought my wallet to Honolulu Southwest Baggage Claim so that I could conveniently retrieve it and keep my tightly scheduled itinerary for my family’s move. It amazes me that she took the time out of her day* and was allowed to fly here for free on her own to rectify my own mistake. Once again, I am very thankful for this outstanding service and for everyone involved in this coordinated effort. This saved me from a great deal of stress, and I cannot express how grateful I truly am.”

Master Sergeant Joaquin C.


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Stars for our Troops

“On a long and late flight back to Pittsburgh, I stumbled upon Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Nan cutting stars off of American flags. She is a volunteer for Stars for our Troops Inc. an organization that collects tattered and torn flags, removes the stars, and then places them in a pouch with a small note to veterans and first responders so that they may carry it as a reminder that their service is not forgotten. She uses her down time while in the air to cut the star and place it in the pouch and is on her way to 10,000 stars this year. She gifted me with a bag of stars, so that when I am meeting with our veterans and first responders, I am able to gift them a star. I will also be happy to collect flags at the district office for donation to this organization. Always glad to help recognize our veterans and I think this is a really great way to do it.”

Natalie M.

PA State Representative

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Thank You, Herb!

“In 1996, I bought numerous copies of the book NUTS and had all my employees at my bank read it and study it. Southwest has always been a good airline, but the personal things made it great. I remember flying out of Cleveland the second day of service here. My second oldest son at the time was 15 and scared to fly. The crew that day put him totally at ease. Three years later, he joined the Marines, and then four years later he joined the Air Force. He’s still active. You never know what one nice act of kindness can do! You can change a life. I wish you and your team the best. Take care of your employees and treat them great. They’ll love their careers so much, you’ll never have to worry about customer service. Oh, one more thing. The Southwest philosophy helped me define my bank’s market niche. I sold my bank in 2014. Got a better price than the market because the acquiring bank loved our culture. Always thought I should have thanked Herb!”

Stephen H.


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Bittersweet Tears

“The day of my father’s funeral, I had the privilege of receiving his American Military Honors flag. I protected that American flag, holding it tightly before our flight back home. Upon boarding, I asked a Flight Attendant if she or the Crew could carry the flag during the flight to protect it even further. The Captain not only allowed the flag to travel in the cockpit, it was strapped in the third (empty) seat. I was in awe-my father loved jets, airplanes, and anything that flies. He wanted to be a pilot but couldn’t because of his poor eyesight, so he joined the US Air Force to serve those who fly. My mother exited the lavatory, surprised to see me at the front of the aircraft. I gently turned her around to see the American flag in the cockpit, and we both broke down in bittersweet tears. The Crew announced that they were honored to have dad’s American Military Honors flag onboard, and every person clapped for my daddy. The Captain took a picture with my daughter and the flag in the cockpit. It was also my birthday, and wrote a sweet birthday note on a Southwest napkin! Thank you to everyone who had a part in giving my dad’s memory and military service, as well as the American flag, the recognition they deserve. My family and I will always fly Southwest Airlines.”

Cynthia R.


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Remembering Every Hero

“On this 80th Anniversary of the attacks at Pearl Harbor, I wanted to take a moment to say “Thank You” for all Rob P. does to support Military Human Remains (MHR) transports. While it is a Team effort to ensure a seamless journey home for our fallen, Rob invests time, energy, and resources identifying each hero as we honor them. He gives us a connection by sharing their stories. Through background research (news articles, obituary details, links to war history), he uncovers an identity for each hero and shares it via the same communication chain as the original Cargo booking. We see it in the NOC, as do the Ground Ops Employees who will be assisting with and honoring their journey home. Rob does this for each movement, whether they passed today or years ago and have just recently been identified. They become far more than an “18-vear-old who died 80 years ago.” Each MHR transport is personal, never routine. Many families have never even met their fallen loved ones-they know them through stories. Many families have waited a long time to be able to say goodbye to their loved ones. Because of Rob’s efforts, we are able to play a small role in ensuring they are remembered and returned home with the dignity and honor they deserve.”

Gina K.


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Delta LUV

“I would like to give a huge thank you to Jenny, Jordan, and Matt for making my flight today very special. When I boarded the flight, Jenny and I chatted, and I told her that I was a recently retired flight attendant for Delta. She congratulated me and introduced me to Matt and Jordan. Jenny was so attentive and engaging. I had not flown in over a year and had purchased a ticket to visit family in STL. I am so thankful that I chose to fly Southwest. Matt made a very nice PA acknowledging my retirement and congratulating me. They then presented me with a pretzel crown and a tissue cake. They also signed a nice certificate. It was SO touching, and they were so sincere. I never imagined my retirement party would be on SWA, but Jenny, Jordan, and Matt showed me the LUV that Southwest is famous for. Please thank them for me. They are very special and SWA is so lucky to have them representing their brand.”

Connie H.


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Honoring Heroes

“The Sacramento Provisioning Team, led by Jerry A., has partnered with “End of Watch” for many years in the Sacramento region. End of Watch supports the families of fallen police officers and law enforcement employees experiencing tragedy. Southwest Airlines–SMF Provisioning recently supplied 1000 snack bags to the participating officers that attended the service for our local hero Sheriff Deputy A. Gibson. Officer Gibson and his police dog Riley were both killed in the line of duty. The organization holds a special place in Jerry’s heart, as his brother is a law enforcement officer, and the Team has many friends in the Sheriff’s Department at the airport. The prayers and thoughts of SMF Provo are always with them.”

Rodney R.


Showing Our Servant's Heart

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Caring for a Coheart

Bonny went above and beyond. I was stuck in the OAK parking lot with a flat tire. It was late at night, and the port of Oakland wasn’t able or willing to assist me. There was nowhere safe nearby, and when I saw the SWA emblem on a truck, I flagged it down. Bonny was driving, and I asked if there was an air compressor nearby. She went back to her personal vehicle and used a portable one to assist me. Because of Bonny, I made it home safely. Who knows how I would have fared at a nearby gas station in the roughest part of Oakland after 11 p.m.! Thank you, Bonny, for caring about your Fellow Coheart.

Jessica D.


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A Servant’s Heart

Danielle went above and beyond taking care of her Cohearts. The Inflight Crew arrived at the airport early to ensure they had time get food for the long day ahead; however, once arriving at the airport early, the Known Crew Member security line was not available, and the regular TSA screening had long lines. This delay was long enough that they were not able to get food and make their report time.

After arriving at the gate, Danielle overheard the Flight Attendants talking about needing to find a way to get food at some point due to the long day ahead. Danielle took it upon herself to go out and get food for the Crew, all while managing the Ground Operations portion of the flight to ensure boarding occurred in a timely manner, and the flight pushed ontime. Danielle is a consummate professional whose actions prove that the Servant’s Heart at Southwest is alive and well.

Anthony Frank


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The Tooth Fairy Flies Coach

“During our flight from LAX to HOU, my nine-year-old daughter’s loose tooth finally fell out. The Attendants went above and beyond by getting us extra supplies to assist with the “losing” of the tooth (napkins, water, etc.), which was appreciated. But where they really shined was in the follow up. Kayla not only checked on Amelia and made a point to tell her how brave and strong she was, but the Crew made up a “Southwest Tooth Fairy” care package complete with snacks, a Crew wings pin, a Southwest bag tag, a certificate, and a $5 bill! It was AWESOME!!! The thoughtfulness and extra attention made Amelia feel truly special! I can’t thank the Crew, especially Kayla, enough for the outstanding service and extra attention shown to my daughter. I was already a fan of Southwest, but you have now made a fan for life in Amelia!! Thank you guys and Kayla for being awesome!”



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We Have Nice People

“GSP Ops Agent Millie C. worked my flight last weekend, and I had complimented her cute lanyard (it was airline themed and said “born to fly” with a seatbelt buckle to remove your badge easily). Fast forward a week, and she remembered me! When I opened the door, she saw me, smiled, took her lanyard off, handed it to me, and told me to keep it. She remembered our conversation and decided to order another online. Not knowing when she’d see me again, she wasn’t sure when to bring it, so she insisted I take hers! And that’s not all. A Customer had been stranded overnight trying to get to Costa Rica. She went out of her way to ensure he was ok, asking if he had money for food. He was shy and said he was fine, but Millie gave me a $20 bill to give him during flight to make sure he ate. Before final descent, I wrote a small note and handed it to him, with the $20 wrapped inside. After landing, he approached me with a large smile on his face and said to please thank her and to tell her “God bless her.” I told him we appreciated him. It’s moments like these that really stand out and remind us why we do what we do.”

Gúlda C.


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PJs Save the Day

“We are in strange times, and Customer interactions are unpredictable. In the midst of it all is Kara P.. What a gem–Heart Strong, Warrior Spirit, compassion, and Hospitality all rolled into one. A boy traveling with his family had one too many donuts and threw up all over himself. He was seated away from his parents because there were no seats together. He was scared and confused. Kara was there without hesitation to clean him and the area and did so with great compassion. His mother noticed commotion near her son’s seat and was shocked by what had happened. She was intensely grateful but helpless, as they had checked their luggage and had no clothing for her son. Kara went to her bag and retrieved her pajamas for this young man. His mother helped him change. In such an odd circumstance, many children would be unwilling to wear a stranger’s clothes. Kara’s kind approach created comfort for the boy and brought tears to his mother’s eyes. Kara would not accept any payment for the pajamas, which the boy proudly wore as he deplaned. You are a superstar that shines bright!”

Louis C.


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Can’t Disappoint the Grandkids

“I took my kids and grandkids on a vacation to Hilton Head. I flew into Savannah/HHI and accidentally left my granddaughter’s bag at the Savannah airport -which I realized after I had already arrived in Hilton Head Island, approximately 1 1/2 hours from the airport. I received a call from baggage claim alerting me about the luggage that was left behind. The person couldn’t have been more helpful and accommodating. His name was David D.. He offered to personally deliver the baggage to a town that was very close to where we were staying. It saved me a 3-hour round trip AND an embarrassing moment with my granddaughter! David went above and beyond the call of duty, and I was very appreciative of all of his efforts. Cheers to David and to Southwest Airlines for hiring People who actually care about Customer Service! Many thanks!”

Steve R.


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The Warmth of a Blanket

“Sharon touched my heart so much with her kindness! At the end of boarding our flight, Sharon ran onto the plane and handed me a blanket she purchased for an elderly lady (going through chemo). She mentioned that the lady told her she was cold and didn’t bring a jacket. I asked if she wanted to give it to her herself, and she said no. Clearly, she didn’t do it for the recognition. She just wanted to do something nice for our Customer. Thank you Sharon for keeping the LUV alive!!”

Amy S.


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A Gesture of Generosity

“Greg June’s spectacular gesture of goodwill made a huge impact on a Passenger who was having a really horrible day. This Passenger arrived at the airport assuming that his company, which had just fired him, had purchased him a ticket home. Unfortunately, there was no ticket. The Passenger attempted to purchase a ticket himself, but our reservations system was in maintenance mode and he was unable to complete the transaction. There was only one seat available for that particular price, and out of compassion for this Passenger, Greg chose to use his personal Rapid Rewards points to secure his seat. The Passenger was brought to tears by Greg’s kindness to a complete stranger, and Greg turned an obviously horrible day to one the Passenger will always remember with a bright side.”

Thao B.


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Revelry on the Ramp

“Tanya P. sparks joy for everyone in our station. She is one of the most selfless Employees who takes Hospitality and Culture to Heart! Tanya is a Leader among her Cohearts and is our resident Miss Fix-it! This LUV Report is long overdue, as Tanya has donated her time, food, holiday costumes, and overall spirit to Team LGB for a very long time. She goes above and beyond to ensure that our environment is a fun and safe place to work. She holds her Cohearts and Supervisors accountable to a high level of service. For Halloween, Tanya dressed as Beetlejuice with a blow-up sand worm and had children and their parents laughing as she danced around the ramp. She’s also been a cowboy riding a turkey and Heat Miser! Tanya acts as the LGB “road manager” of our Ramp Supervisor David P. as he serenades our Customers with Polynesian songs as they board and/or deplane. She makes sure he’s in place with his music ready to perform on cue without missing a beat! Tanya is truly a bright light and embodies the Fun-LUVing Attitude that SWA expects of us ALL! Tanya is the G.O.A.T!”

Andie C.


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Huge Servant’s Heart

“We recently had a Customer traveling from Louisville to Hartford via Baltimore. She was hearing impaired and had a peanut allergy, so she was at the airport very early. Oumou noticed that the Customer’s carry-on bag was taped shut, and it was barely holding her belongings inside. Oumou approached her and spoke with her, and asked if she would mind if Oumou tried to find her a bag to replace her broken one. The Customer agreed to it. Oumou had to write everything down so she could communicate with her, since the Customer is deaf. Oumou then proceeded to go to the airport gift shop to try to find a bag for her. Our tote bags would not have held all of her stuff, so she purchased a duffel bag and a backpack to give to her. We all know that airport prices are pretty steep, but Oumou did not worry about it, and did not hesitate to spend over $120.00 (with the Employee discount), to help our Customer. Oumou has a huge Servant’s Heart for our Cohearts and our Customers. I had the opportunity to witness this firsthand and it was heartwarming.”

Leticia A.


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LUV Will Find a Way

“When our DAL/LAX Passenger missed her flight, Na helped her way beyond our responsibility. This Passenger, who spoke very little English, was ticketed to Vietnam out of LAX. Being from Vietnam, Na was aware that the pandemic has made traveling there very difficult. The Passenger had to wait months to get a ticket. At the time, we would not be able to get her to LAX in time to make her connecting flight, so Na-unbelievably-took her to Alaska Airlines. Their next LAX flight was leaving in only a few minutes, so there was not enough time to buy a new ticket. The Alaska Airlines Agent agreed to allow the Passenger to use one of their buddy passes. The Passenger did not have enough money to cover the cost, so Na graciously paid for it herself, with only a promise of reimbursement. What an unimaginable act of kindness! Na is everything SWA stands for! What a blessing you are! (And I am happy to also share that Na did get reimbursed!)”

Tricia M. and Cheyenne P.


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Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

“Our Team in the SAN station is known for going above and beyond, but today’s display showed the true meaning of Servant’s Heart! When encountering a wheelchair Customer who was using a Portable Oxygen Container (POC), CSS Dhara D. approached her to confirm that she had the required battery capacity for her flight. The woman was traveling alone and had just had surgery. The Customer did not have enough battery life for her POC and was under the impression that she could use the onboard oxygen if necessary. Dhara went into problem solving mode. She researched local companies that may have the needed battery for the Customer’s machine, called the company and made arrangements for the Customer to pay for the battery over the phone. Then CSM Adriana R. enters the picture. Using her own vehicle, she drives to the local medical supply company (about 20 minutes from the airport) to retrieve the battery and ensures that she is back with the battery in hand with plenty of time for this Customer to board her flight. The selfless acts of these two Southwest Warriors is nothing short of AMAZING!!!”

Susan I.


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Finding Dave’s Wallet

“I would like to welcome the PHX Ramp and Supervisor Bill F. to the game of “Finding Dave’s Wallet.” My wallet has fallen out of my pocket in DTW (twice), SAN, CMH (returned by a Customer), and now PHX, always with contents intact. Why do I always lose my wallet? In sitting for hours on my hindquarters in the cockpit, my wisdom is to try to stay comfortable and use a front-pocket, slim-line wallet. While this sounds like a good idea, my long legs (which often must shoe-horn themselves to fit into the cockpit) say otherwise. My wallet works itself out of my pocket onto the floor, unbeknownst to me. In PHX, I had to maneuver over the power cord and tow bar in ways that resemble a yoga pose to fit into the nose wheel well for my preflight inspection-and my wallet snuck out in the process. When I noticed, I made a mad dash to my previous airplane, thinking it was in the cockpit, but no luck. I returned to my aircraft, resigned that it’s finally gone for good. Then comes Bill to save the day! My wallet was on the ground; Bill coordinated its return; and we left on time!”

Dave W.


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All in a Day’s Work

“On February 23, Ben, you WOWed your Provo Family by purchasing and cooking a “summertime feast” of hamburgers and hot dogs. Let’s count all of the ways you contributed on this day. 1) You worked all of your assigned flights for the shift; 2) assisted a Team Member by working one of their flights; 3) provided a guide assist for a Coheart at a congested gate; 4) and closed out your truck for a great PM turnover. Then, 5) you walked by the Provo propane grill and stared at it; 6) decided at that moment to treat your peeps; 7) created a menu in your head; 8) went to the store and purchased EVERYTHING; 9) cooked all the meat on the grill; 10) brought awesome side dishes, like cheese, chips and red velvet cupcakes, and it doesn’t stop there. 11) You set everything up in the breakroom for your peeps to enjoy; 12) made sure everyone had plenty of food; 13) cleaned up at the end of the night, leaving absolutely no doubt that 14) YOU ARE THE HOSPITALITY CHAMPION! Thank you for being one awesome Coheart!”

Kieran D.


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Better Than the U.S. Mail

“Cherie R. coordinated an amazing effort to track and return a lost iPhone to a grateful Customer. When the family told her their son had left his phone on their previous flight (they had changed planes in Nashville enroute to Raleigh-Durham), Cherie could have told them (appropriately) that she would share their information and, if found, the phone could be returned. Instead, she did some super sleuthing, was able to locate the phone (which was now in Philadelphia), and had it sent back to Nashville. Her last leg of the day was to Raleigh-Durham, and she was able to retrieve the phone in time to carry it with her and coordinate with the family to deliver it in person. There were a lot of obstacles and variables in this equation, but Cherie and Southwest made it work in true SWA fashion. Great job!”

Kevin S.


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Burritos Make Everything Better

“Brett, our Captain on Dec. 5th, had gone home overnight and walked onto the plane this morning with a huge shopping bag. He and his wife had made breakfast burritos with sides of salsa and fresh cilantro along with mixed fruit bowls freshly cut in reusable containers. What Brett doesn’t know is that my dad had a stroke a few weeks ago. I am spending all my days off and overnights struggling to fill out paperwork, make appropriate calls, and get my dad into a supervised home. I was up most of the night, and I failed to pack a good food bag. I never dreamed I would have enough food to last me the whole day, something homemade with love. I know Brett doesn’t know what’s going on in my life but what he and his wife did made a huge difference. I needed this show of support and love that came out of his clear compassion and love for his Crew and job. There’s a pandemic going on, my dad is sitting in a hospital where I can’t even visit him, and Brett walks in with breakfast and says, sit down, eat and happy holidays. Thank you Brett, and please thank your sweet wife. You are both amazing.”

Niki K.


Modeling The Golden Rule

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An Angel in the Air

I was on a flight from RDU to BWI, and it was an extremely bumpy ride the entire trip. Luckily, it was only 40 minutes. I’m not the most experienced flyer, and I usually travel with my husband. This is trip, I was on my way home from visiting my father who is not doing well, health-wise. I was so nervous and really scared. A few minutes into the flight, the sweetest Flight Attendant handed me tissues, and then she sat in the row right in front of me and extended her hand around her seat to hold my hand. I cannot tell you how amazing she was, and how comforting it was for me when she took my hand. Then! A bit later, she comes to sit right next to me in the middle seat. She took my hand again, and just started talking to me to keep my mind at ease, and she kept reassuring me everything was okay, and it worked. I was still very nervous, but having her next to me made all the difference in the world! I was just so mesmerized that she did this for me. She truly is an angel! Anyone who gets to fly with her will be the luckiest person around! She went completely above and beyond her duties! Please give her my best and a HUGE hug!

Deb K.


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Come With Me

“Greetings STL Airport! I would like to recognize Donna, who I believe is a Southwest Supervisor/Manager. I was about to catch a flight to Las Vegas Friday morning, when I realized I left my medicine bag in my car at the garage. I went to the lower level to catch a shuttle back to the Parking Spot when I realized no shuttles were running. Donna saw the frustration and PANIC ATTACK I was having, and she stopped to ask me what was wrong. Immediately, she turned around and said “Come with me, I will take you.” She was rushing in to work and took a chance on being late because she cared enough about a Customer to make sure they had their medicine for a very pleasant trip. This act of kindness deserves an ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY AWARD. She absolutely would not take the money that I offered. All she wanted was for me to get that medicine and catch that flight. Please find her and recognize her!”

Marla S.


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You Are The Spirit of Southwest

“A person traveling with his two dogs was demonstrating odd behaviors during a layover in PHX. He appeared to be cognitively impaired, which caused concern for our Customers as well as the Inflight Crew. PHX Leadership tried contacting his family but was unable to find an immediate solution. It was unclear at that point whether or not he would be able to fly, but it was obvious that he was struggling to take care of himself and his dogs. Krista volunteered to escort the Customer to his destination, even though there was no nonstop return flight for her. Krista had worked a double shift the day before and was in the middle of another double shift when she volunteered to help this Passenger. Our Customers were more comfortable, and our Crew was able to focus on their jobs because of Krista’s kindness, compassion and can-do attitude in providing support for this special Customer. Krista, thank you for going above and beyond and helping our Passenger get to his destination. He should not have been flying alone, and you stepped up. You also were so kind and compassionate, as he was very scared and emotional. We could not have asked for a better end to that situation. You are the Spirit of Southwest!”

John E. and Jamie H.


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The LUV Airline

“My sister-in-law was having health issues, and, although I was needing a knee replacement myself, my husband and I traveled to see her. We were flying United but, when we got to the airport in BNA, we found ourselves in a very confusing situation due to the construction at the airport. I was overwhelmed and exhausted trying to navigate. Your Employee, Terry, who was on his way home for the day, saw me and stopped to help. He found a wheelchair and pushed me to where we needed to be, all on his own time. I asked to take a photo of his ID so that I could let you know how proud you should be of this outstanding Employee who represents Southwest. I did notice that no one from United helped us, and my husband is a long-time United member and a former platinum member. Thank you, Terry and Southwest!”

Janet M.​


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Our Heart Sets Us Apart

“For many, many years my wife and I have been loyal Southwest Customers–for numerous reasons. I usually fly as her Companion. I would like to compliment the Pilot of our flight, Doug, who helped the Flight Attendants prepare the cabin for the next planeload of Passengers during our brief stop in Dallas. I’ve never seen a Pilot go through the cabin helping collect trash and position seatbelts for the next leg of the journey. I was impressed by his Heart for Customer Service and Teamwork!”

Gregg S.


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Thank You, Captain Steven!

“I observed Captain Steven displaying extraordinary Teamwork. He went above and beyond to help the Ops Agent with wheelchair Passengers, and he helped multiple wheelchair Passengers deplane the aircraft at HOU. Later, in DAL, my Crew and I had an aircraft swap with no ground time, and I was starving. As I was walking down the jet bridge at the new gate, I saw Steven again helping with deplaning and pushing wheelchair Passengers. I assumed he was our Pilot again and would be flying us to DCA, so I asked him “Captain, when you’re done can you please grab me something to eat? Anything! I’m starving, but there’s no time to get anything.” He said yes and told me to put my money away. I thanked him and walked onto the aircraft. After completing my Safety checks, I noticed two completely different Pilots onboard! A few minutes later, Steven returned with food in hand not only for me, but for the other two Flight Attendants, as well. I thanked him and said, “I thought you were working this flight!” He responded that he was finished for the day. He used his personal time and finances to get us food and ensure that his Cohearts were OK. Thank you, Captain Steven, for all that you do!”

Shanika M.


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True Hospitality

“Chris’s selfless service and exemplary Teamwork were crucial to our success. Right off the bat as we arrived at the airplane, Chris engaged with Dispatch to understand why our flight was locked, and communicated with me quickly to let me know. Once we realized we had an indefinite delay, he willingly and graciously hosted every one of the 19 kids whose vacation to Disney was put on hold by answering their questions and letting them visit the cockpit. He brightened their morning and showed our completely full airplane what true Hospitality is. These folks had all been up for several hours before our scheduled push time of 0530, and things could have gone poorly, but Chris’s cheerful Hospitality turned it into an adventure. Along with that significant amount of time with the kids, Chris was proactive in communicating with Dispatch and Ground Ops so we kept the information flowing. Chris also freed me up to make sure communication kept flowing and allowed me to roam the cabin so I could engage with our Customers. Chris’s consummate professionalism as a First Officer was simply stupendous. He made a difficult start to the day simply easy.”

Stump S.


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Gotta LUV a Guy Who Bakes

“Every year for Recurrent Training, Kevin arrives to class bringing the most sumptuous, gargantuan tray of homemade pastries (maple glazed, buttery scones and streusel, cinnamon-y cakes), with carefully-placed Lindt chocolates. He spends hours crafting this AND the loveliest pumpkin cheesecake this side of the Atlantic. We had two classes (20 folks plus three instructors), and he made enough for us all. Everyone in class was bowled over. I just really, really appreciate how he takes care of his other Crew Members and that he also does this when he’s flying. Especially during these times when we may be stretched, stressed out, in the yellow, a bit of kindness (or a lot, on Kevin’s part!) really brings such joy to the day. Thank you SO much, Kevin!”

Jan N.


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Giving 110%

“Cheyenne, I know you don’t like the spotlight, but I need to say how much I appreciate you. Daily you continue to give 110%, and you recently went above and beyond to assist a stranded Crew. Here’s the story: When the Crew of six arrived in ECP after midnight, transportation was not available to the hotel. The hotel told them to call an Uber. They did and requested an Uber XL, but the car that arrived would fit only three Flight Attendants with their bags. They called for another Uber but received no response. Cheyenne was walking out to the parking lot to go home and noticed the Crew waiting for a ride. After hearing their story, Cheyenne offered to take them to the hotel—the Captain, First Officer, and a Flight Attendant. From where he lives, this trip was 50 miles out of his way. He arrived home at almost 2am. Cheyenne had been at work since 0930 that morning. You are an amazing asset to our Company and left an emotional impact on that Crew! I’m glad you are part of our ECP Team!”

Sharon T.


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A Lesson in Kindness

“I was returning from my mother’s bedside after she passed away, and I was feeling very emotional and out of sorts from not sleeping for several nights. I had to literally sprint to my gate before they shut the doors, so I had not had time to get water before the flight. The Flight Attendants thought I was asleep, so they skipped me for drinks. When I realized it, I tried to ask for something. Since I was wearing a mask and the plane was loud, they couldn’t hear me. I completely lost my temper. Instead of inflaming the situation and getting mad back, Jack got me a drink, sat down next to me, gave me some of his personal cookies, and asked me if everything was OK. He completely diffused the situation. I felt horrible and apologized, explaining I was in poor shape and was wrong to treat them that way. Jack was so sweet and gave me a hug. He shared that he lost his mom as a teenager, and he understood how hard it is. In a time when people rarely demonstrate kindness to complete strangers, I sincerely thank Jack for the way he handled my outburst. His kindness to me was a lesson in how to treat people that I will carry with me forever.”

Danielle M.


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Because I Never Lose My Phone

“On my last trip, I left my phone in the row of the aircraft where I sat between flights. Even after several pages over the PA that a phone was found and for everyone to please check your stuff, it didn’t phase me because, of course, I never lose my phone. Well, after the next flight and going to our layover in BNA, I discovered I didn’t have it. Turns out, it was my phone all those PAs were about. On the way to the hotel, Sondra, without being asked to help, got to work locating my phone. Through her connections and contacts, we learned it was at the TPA Ops podium at the gate, and I could pick it up the next day. Without Sondra, I would have been without my phone for days, probably facing an arduous “lost and found” adventure. Yet during our ride to the hotel, because of Sondra, the loss of my phone and associated angst was fixed. This was a truly helpful, selfless act of kindness. She could have just sympathized and hoped that I get my phone back, but instead, she is the whole reason my phone was returned to me. I appreciate Sondra and her willingness to help me-a person she’d only met the day before. I look forward to working with Sondra again and sharing Hospitality with our Customers!

Donald D.


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Heart in Action

“On our flight from STL to MDW, we had a large group of young Customers in wheelchairs coming home from a tournament. The Ops Agent was completely overwhelmed by the amount of wheelchairs–as was I, as the A Flight Attendant. Fortunately, we had First Officer Matthew M., who was riding the jumpseat to work. Matthew went above and beyond! I can’t even remember how many Customers he pushed and helped on and off the plane with aisle chairs, and how many times he went down to the ramp to make sure the loading and unloading of the wheelchairs went smoothly, but it was a lot. Matthew is my Southwest Champion! Thank you, Matthew!”

Nike S.


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Positively Outrageous Service

“My wife and I were flying Frontier Airlines. Our flight from MDW to PHL was delayed, and then canceled. My wife was looking for some help, and Katie saw that she was upset. Katie started talking to her and found out what was going on. She took her to the Frontier office, but no one was there. Katie then went to her computer and was able to book my wife and I on a Southwest flight to PHL. If it was not for Katie’s assistance, we would’ve missed our granddaughter’s birthday. Katie went above and beyond to help my wife and me. I run an ambulance company and teach customer service and public relations/marketing to my employees. Katie is a prime example of what good Customer Service means. I would be proud to have an employee do something like this for my customers. She’s an asset to Southwest! My wife and I feel that you needed to know how much we appreciate what she did for us by going above and beyond at 2:30 a.m. to get us on a flight at 6:00 a.m. She turned a hectic and stressful travel experience into relief and excitement, knowing we would be able to make the party.”

Josh A.


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Sharing is Caring

“PHX Provisioning Agent Debbie L. overheard me asking a thru Passenger if she had enough food for her 4-hour flight to ATL. This Passenger had limited mobility and was elderly. She didn’t have anything except some nuts, but just as I was about to offer to get her food, my fellow Flight Attendant returned empty-handed from his attempt to get food. The lines were way too long, and we’d never be able to get back on time. I offered the Passenger some celery and peanut butter, as that is all I had left. Unbeknownst to me, Debbie had overheard this entire conversation. Before we pushed back, the B Flight Attendant came up with some food and said our Provisioning Agent wanted to give it to my Passenger. Debbie truly showed what it means to provide Southwest Airlines LUV and hospitality-something rarely seen between Provisioning Agents and Passengers as they have such little contact. As a matter of fact, Debbie didn’t have ANY contact with this Passenger. The food appeared to be her own lunch for the day, brought from home. This is the type of Employee that we all BEG to have in our midst. She exemplified EVERYTHING that SWA stands for in one simple yet generous act.”

Charity M.


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All Hands on Deck!

“I want SWA to know about the actions of Alan R. during an extremely long, stressful diversion in Montgomery, AL due to massive storms. Alan (as the Crew came to call him) was traveling in uniform, and the Company can be proud that he was. He immediately volunteered to help, assisting 140 people across an active tarmac-under and around other planes. He assisted in touching base with all of the Passengers spread throughout the terminal, in particular an elderly woman who was confused. Her son kept calling, asking her questions she was struggling to answer. We learned she was a heart patient. Her feet and legs were swelling, so we got a wheelchair, propped up her feet, and Alan stayed with her. When it was time to board again, Alan assisted in leading Passengers back to the plane, and he sat with the elderly woman. This turned out to be a very wise decision, as another storm came through while we were still on the ground. He stayed with her during the very turbulent flight and helped us deplane the wheelchair Passengers. Alan, thank you so much for becoming part of our Crew when we truly needed all hands on deck!”

Julie S.


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LUV is Patient, LUV is Kind

“My dad was scheduled for a flight to PHX. He arrived about 3 hours early since this was his first time using a wheelchair. He was already at the gate when we were notified of a flight change resulting in a 7-hour delay. Ordinarily, this would have been an inconvenience, but because he has a feeding tube, it was now a medical situation. He also has difficulty with his voice and speech, so communication is very hard. I called the airport and was connected to Erika A. who quickly took action. Before I could even let my dad know, the wonderful SWA Employees at the gate had already identified him. They were able to retrieve his checked luggage so he could do his tube feeding. He was then blessed with a gift from a SWA Flight Attendant (Melanie) who gave up her seat on the next PHX flight so that he could avoid a 7-hour delay. Everyone went above and beyond to help my dad, and we so appreciate it. He was recently given a poor prognosis, and this was a “bucket list” trip for him to see his grandsons. Thanks to all of your wonderful People, he was able to receive his hydration and nutrition, make their little league game, and keep his strength up while he checked the “bucket list.” Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!”

Pamela R.


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Benevolence and Boogie

“Prior to the start of his work day, Captain David M. learned from another Pilot that one of the Passengers on his upcoming flight had just suffered the tragic loss of her son. Even though he only had minutes before leaving for the airport, he had a local florist deliver an arrangement to him, and he was able to hand-carry the flowers to the grieving Passenger at the gate. He also saw to it that she was taken care of for her entire journey. Captain Dave has a huge heart and is always so kind to both external and internal Customers. He always goes above and beyond and is a great asset to Southwest Airlines. Never in my 21-year career at SWA have I ever had a Pilot do a jaw dropping super cool side shimmy dance onto the plane. He gave John Travolta a run for his money. I give the dance a score of 8.2 (a cartwheel would have made it a 9.7). I cannot say enough about how cool, funny, and kind he is. We knew right away he was on our side and had our backs. Oh, and Captain Dave paid for the entire Crew’s van tips! Not expected at all, but definitely appreciated. I hope the DEN Chief Pilot sees this because I think it warrants a paid 3 day trip off for Captain Dave! If our entire Crew loved him, I KNOW all Crews love him.”

Cina T. / Coheart Rita W.


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You’ve Got a Friend

“​​I would like to thank Dave, James, and Paul for showing my wife and I some SWA LUV. I had broken my leg at the time we were moving into our new home, leaving my wife to do everything. She’s amazing, but some things were impossible on her own. My Manager, Dave, sent an email to our Team, and what happened was incredible.

Saturday came around, and Dave, Paul, and James were there, knocking out several heavy things that my wife and I were unable to do. And we had quite a list—disassemble a plant stand on the deck, put insulation strips on the shop doors, move the pie safe to the basement, clear branches and logs, move the safe to the closet, relocate the ramp to the lower level, and hang the dog run, just to name a few. They took time away from their own needs and families to come help us get settled. They are great examples of living The Southwest Way and true SWA Warriors—everything our Company stands for. Thank you!”

Marty K.


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It’s Not About the Socks

“A couple days ago when we were all done at the ticket counter at night, a barefoot homeless man approached us asking if anyone had socks. All of us just looked at him and said “Sorry, we don’t have any.” But you went and found him and asked him if he was okay and offered him the socks you were wearing. I have never seen such compassion from someone, and I really admire that you were willing to help him out when no one else was able to.”

Eduardo  V.


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Irreplaceable Goods

“I want you to know how proud I am to work for a Company that has such wonderful Cohearts. While working an inbound flight from MIA, a Flight Attendant informed me that a Passenger’s ball cap had been inadvertently tossed in the aft galley trash. The cap was very sentimental to the Passenger since it had belonged to his deceased brother. I immediately got on the radio to Provisioning and notified them of the gate and flight and requested that they please search the trash retrieved from there. The Provo Team including Nenette D., Roger A., Andrew R., and Mary Jane S. pitched in to look for the hat, and they did not give up. They dug through several trash bags several times until they had our Passengers’ hat. Y’ALL ROCK!!”

Karmen M.


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Book the Flight

“In April 2018, my wife of 26 years passed away suddenly from a rare heart condition. It was devastating and has been a difficult couple of years. Recently, my heart has been blessed by a serendipitous encounter with my high school sweetheart, Treva, whom I had not spoken to in over 30 years. The attraction and connection was almost immediate and our relationship continues to grow every day. The problem? She lives in Virginia and I’m in Colorado. We’ve traveled to see each other every 3 to 4 weeks but slowed down so she could focus on Physical Therapy school.

On September 24, I saw the Southwest notification about the companion fare promotion that would expire at the end of that day. After much dilemma, I decided not to book anything, nor mention it, so as not to add unnecessary pressure. That evening, when we were talking, she said she just opened a Dove chocolate and the inside of the wrapper there is always a saying. The saying on the wrapper that she opened only hours before we spoke told me all I needed to know. It simply stated, “Book the flight.” My visit with her in October was a spectacular time and I have Southwest (and Dove) to thank for that. Thank you Southwest!”

John T.


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Peace and Calm

“As we departed from Dallas airport, there was a Passenger onboard talking to himself. He began getting upset and was hearing voices. I was sitting in the back and was able to get the attention of a Flight Attendant. He spoke with the Passenger calmly and respectfully, and things calmed down for a bit. The Passenger became anxious and started talking to himself again, grabbing the seat back in front of him tightly with both hands. The Flight Attendant talked to him again and sat in the aisle seat in the back just a couple rows behind the Passenger to keep his eye on him.

It was comforting. We were very appreciative. When we landed in Denver a Supervisor came on board to talk to the Passenger and see if he needed help or if there was family or friends to call. The whole staff on the plane made the flight feel safe. What was really impressive is the kindness and respect they all showed the Passenger. They deserve praise for their handling of the situation. They made a difference to that young man and to all the Passengers of the plane.”

Tiffany D.


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Caring for Cohearts

“Amanda, your heart of compassion is highly appreciated. For the countless times you have given gifts, baked goods, sent Halloween gifts in the mail and arrived at your Team’s door steps with presents. Amanda, nothing shows more love than dressing up as Santa during a pandemic and driving to each Team Member’s home to offer a kind gift. You are a MAJOR blessing to this team and Southwest as a whole. I feel so blessed to have you on the team. Your heart and thoughtfulness are truly incredible.”

Adrienne W.


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